13 June 2009

Dusting off the old sewing skill set!

I am so very behind on my sewing! Oh, it isn't even funny anymore, how behind I am!
First, there was the medical issues our Mother's had, then they are better, then relatives are coming and my house is a wreak! As if a tornado went thru here and dumped a couple of dorm rooms inside my house!

Now, I am a former speed cleaner. I could clear out and get a room clean in nothing flat. The reorganization of what was cleaned was another matter all together. These days, I am the complete opposite of myself. Took 3 days to clean up the kitchen, then a couple of days of napping. Pain wears you out!

My sewing projects have been put aside during the house cleaning phase of my year. But, the kitchen has remained in a state of clean for almost 2 weeks now! (Praise GOD!) I will have to get up and finish my dishes before this post is over. Can't let up on the pressure now! Must retain the wonder of how it feels to have your dishes done, even if you ran out of dishwasher soap two weeks ago and anytime anyone gets near the store, they remember it as dish soap...I have four new bottles of Dish Soap. Not one bottle of dish washing soap.

So, since a couple of weeks have already gone by I might keep hand washing the dishes for a few more weeks and see if there is any difference between hand washing the dishes instead of using the dishwasher on the water bill. Could be interesting to figure out which saves more water.

I seem to be on a quest to be more thrifty with the hubbs money. After both our mother's having health issues and the cost of each trip to home... I wonder where I can save more money for these things.

But this has nothing to do with why I needed to dust off my sewing skill set...

I have many clothes that are too small in the house...some will be saved for the day I will fit in them again. Some clothes that have been given to me that are too big, these I will upcycle, recycle and make into my lacking summer Weeble-robe.

I have bought several patterns for my summer Weeble-robe.

(I have gone a bit nuts about vintage patterns)

I have plenty of fabric on the shelf that I might be able to supplement my wardrobe.

Problem, I have not touched my sewing machine in months. Long enough to feel uncomfortable making a summer Weeble-robe that I can wear outside the house.

The decision to start with a house dress and or nightgown seemed to be a smart idea. If it turns out alright, then I will wear it outside the house or it is a house dress. Really badly....sleepwear.

The cutting out process was hell. I got new pinking shears and needed to find out what I remembered about pinking out a dress. I am going to use the standard sewing machine first. Then move to learning about my serger.

The garment is cut out, the machine is threaded, I have marked and pressed the pockets to the front of the dress and wow. Did not turn out as I thought...hum...Thought I had things more square than that... *sigh* It isn't too bad...but it is a dead give away that I have made this garment myself. Housedress....it is.

Next garment will go better. I am full learn mode!

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